Magic: the Gathering Standard End-of-the-Year Store Championship
Tournament Structure: 3+ Rounds, Best of 3Prize: Chromatic Sphere promos distributed among participants (while supplies last), Top 8 receives Reality Smasher promos, & 1st Place receives Void Winnower promo.-Registration begins […]
Pokemon Lubbock League Cup (Q4)
Registration will be in person day of from 11-11:45 pm, followed by a player meeting at 11:45pm. Tournament begins at 12pm (noon). Players registering after 11:45 pm will be considered […]
Pokemon Midland League Cup (Q4)
Registration will be in person the day of the event from 12-12:30 pm, followed by a quick player meeting at 12:30pm. Tournament begins immediately after. Anyone registering after 12:30 will […]
Star Wars Unlimited Store Showdown
The Star Wars Unlimited: Store Showdown for Shadows of the Galaxy Season! Stormcrow Players come to test their skills in a Fun Casual level Tournament that is the perfect entrance […]
Stormcrow Season 4 Local Championship
This will be a standard format event, so plan accordingly. $20 entry, promos and store credit will be provided for prizing, as well as the champion playmat to first place.
Shimmering Skies Set Championship
Hello Illumineers!We are happy to announce that we are hosting a Lorcana Set Championship for Shimmering Skies!Registration at 12:00pm, Tournament begins at 12:30pmFormat: Core (Constructed)55 minBest of 3Swiss RoundsTop CutTop […]
Shimmering Skies Set Championship
Hello Illumineers!We are happy to announce that we are hosting a Lorcana Set Championship for Shimmering Skies!Registration at 12:00pm, Tournament begins at 12:30pmFormat: Core (Constructed)55 minBest of 3Swiss RoundsTop CutTop […]
Matador Melee
For information:
Pokemon Lubbock League Cup (Q3)
Registration will be in person day of from 11-11:45 pm, followed by a player meeting at 11:45pm. Tournament begins at 12pm (noon). Players registering after 11:45 pm will be considered […]
Star Wars Unlimited Lubbock Store Showdown
$10 EntryPromo Prizes and other prizes based on participation.Constructed DecksStandardRegistration at 12pm, Games Start at 1pmDecklist required